Trivial Tuesday: Christmas Edition
What is one thing that unites most Canadians when looking back upon their childhood? No, not beer. Or moose. Nor, is it maple syrup poured hot into the snow for a delicious treat. I never had that.
It's the Sears Christmas Wish Book silly! Since I was a greedy little bugger, I'm sure I spent more hours pouring over this book than I did any of my scholastic text books. The sheer glossy joy of flipping page after page of the nation's most desirable toys neatly displayed in a separate boy section, and the less cool girl section.
Everyone had 'the toy' that they would desire year after year regardless of it's price, or utter unrealistic promise of fun. For me, it was Power Wheels and those remote control race car tracks that had the loop-de-loops and could run up your wall. Wow.
In premature celebration of this holiday and book, this Trivial Tuesday will be ripped right from the pages of the most celebrated catalogue in Canadian childhood history. Good luck!
1. How many little buggers are there on the cover?
2. How many VHS players are there for sale in the catalogue?
3. On the GPS device, how many more hours until they arrive at their destination (the one with the 3.5" screen)
4. Who is the most called man in the Sears catalogue? What's his number?
5. What are Hal and Joanne standing beside?
6. What is the most disturbing doll in the catalogue (in the whole "why would me kid care" category).
7. Which page has the most ducks on it? How many?
8. How much does the bad-assed Gaugho power wheels type vehicle cost? Would you be crazy to spend that on a kid for Christmas (there is a right answer)?
9. Who is having the most fun on page 951?
10. What is the scale of the big A/C road race set?
Good luck, and happy shopping!
There's a bonus Trivial Tuesday below! Also, say 'hi' to Kenneth the page from NBC's '30 Rock' on Thursday nights.
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