4-8-15-16-23-42 and...um...I dunno.

If you haven't had a chance to check out Trivial Tuesday, click here . Submit your answers via email (my address is on the right) and you'll get points for each correct answer.

So, it's Thursday, or as I like to call it: Payday. You've gots' to love payday...

Speaking of 'Payday' lotto Super 7 is like $10,000,000.00 this weekend. That's like $250,000.00 a year for 40 years (without investing a dime). Hello high life!

So, the task today for any of you without much-a-do is to come up with a shopping list. Assume you've won the ten-mil and tell us what you would do.

Personally I find that what a person thinks they would do before money is in dangerous peril after money. I mean, right now, I would think of buying a Nissan Versa, or Honda Civic as a new car if I came into cash, but with the $$$ staring me in the face, maybe I'd go all Bentley on your ass.

I think I'd definitely purchase a house that was big. Actually, I'd build. I think that would be fun. I'd spread the wealth with friends (most likely) in $100,000.00 chunks, and family, and be very Oprah approved and do random acts of kindness to random people who need the help. Woo-Hoo! That would be fun.
We've done little things like that once in a while with our non-ten million dollar income; stuff like picking a family in a restaurant where we just ate, and pay for their meal. It's cool. You leave and just wonder what they think once they go to settle up. Then again maybe the restaurant never tells them, and just doubles up on the bill ;)

So, what would YOU do with ten million dollars? Don't be shy...just keep it clean!


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