Virgin Mobile

So Nancy and I now have a cell phone. We're with Virgin Mobile, and that makes us cool by association. I'm now one degree of separation from Richard Branson. Maybe we'll go for a flight sometime in one of his blimps or space ships.
Many of you will want to use me for your own devices (due to my new uber-famous business partner), and I invite that. 'Dick'; as I call him; and I are going to be close. I can feel it ;)
You can come to me for any of your large scale needs because I have won the business-partner lottery as it would seem. This guy (Dickie B) is an innovation machine, and I am sure that I will be able to secure funding for anything that I want to finance. Send all of your hair-brained ideas to

The weekend (even aside from this huge business development) was entertaining. We got the phone, bought The Office Season Three, looked at external hard drives, visited Nancy's cousin Brent his wife Jennifer and their three great kids, went to dinner with our friends, I installed a railing over a gaping hole in our entryway floor, cleaned the basement, and a bunch of other things. It was a good weekend.

Big game coming up on the 22nd of this month, if you're in the Charlottetown area. Email me if you're free and looking for something fun to do with friends. Teams of 3 searching the city for gold coins by solving clues and riddles. Team with the most gathered, wins! I'm organizing it, so you know it's gonna be good.

Hope everyone has a good week! Remember to play Trivial Tuesday. There's only today left for this weeks, but a new batch of questions come up tomorrow!



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